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To make research data management a permanent practice in the scientific process, researchers need to see the benefits for themselves. To do this, they still need knowledge of IT services, workflow design, and general strategies that are not (yet) taught within subject curricula.

RDMG is working with central university entities to educate about the benefits that systematic data management brings. Workshops teach best practices that can be adapted to the circumstances of a subject

Workshops and trainings

In collaboration with Freiburg Research Services , training on general aspects of research data management and data strategies is offered to PhD students from the life sciences.

This training is also in demand for research groups such as research training groups, collaborative research centers or similar, who would like to find common data management strategies within this group or would like to implement the requirements of funding bodies in their practice. Humanities groups in particular face challenges in implementing data strategies that arise from taking a nuanced view of the term “research data.”

If you are interested in internal workshops, please contact the RDMG.

Systematic handling of data leads to improvements in research

Although its importance is known in principle, the handling of research data is not consistently anchored in the field. The FDM Policy reminds researchers of “Good Scientific Practice” (GWP) and the resulting implications. In addition, it is the task of the RDMG to raise awareness in faculties, research clusters and among scientists to improve the quality of research through a systematic handling of data.

There are discussion forums with faculties, collaborative research centers and research training groups on how “codes of conduct” can structure research data management. One point of reference are guiding questions , which are continuously adapted to the framework conditions of higher education and funding policy.