Basic IT-Services

German version

Various basic services are operated for members of the University that can be used for research data management or are dedicated for this purpose.

General storage services

The Computing Center (RZ) as one of the central institutions that initiated the RDMG offers various basic services that can be used for research data management. More detailed information can be found on the RZ website . On an overview page different systems are compared. Features are presented there to check suitability for the various purposes.

The use of storage systems relieves the otherwise regularly recurring procurement of self-operated systems. [Industry standards certifications]]( ) (University press release ) give a higher guarantee to keep research data available in the long term.

Hints for selection process

In a data strategy, one goal should be to keep research data and administrative data, for example for accounting, financial planning, and personnel management, strictly separate. Such an approach makes it easier to implement data protection requirements, which are set for administrative data by the Archives Act and for research data by the FDM Policy or the conditions of the funding agencies. For more detailed considerations, there is a paper on Long-term archiving of data from research projects .

Ability to cooperate

To improve discoverability of research data and interoperability, repositories and repositories are connected to identifier systems. Following the FDM policy, the ORCID ID is integrated for individuals and the Digital Object Identifer (DOI) for published material.

Data linked to these identifiers can be automatically processed in connected systems via interfaces, for example in publication lists of institutes or on project websites.

The University of Freiburg is a member of bwSync&Share , which is a low-threshold service for exchanging and jointly editing files. Anyone with an account at the University of Freiburg can use it and invite external guests.