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Building a communication network is critical to the success of an institutional FDM.

Communication channels

There are various push and pull channels for members to find relevant information for their own needs.

This web page provides information about the RDMG and the Research Data Management Offerings and Services . Posts](../posts/) reports on new services and other developments relevant to members of the university.

A newsletter delivers current developments to the mail inbox. Subscription to this newsletter or mailing list is explained in the RDMG Discussion Forum on the Continuing Education Platform , which is accessible to any member of the University with an account. In this forum, researchers share their experiences, share best practices, or ask specific questions to the community.


In addition to communication via websites and other electronic channels, consulting is an essential communication channel. The Freiburg Research Services as one of the initiators of the RDMG identified the need for specific help for data management during their consultations on third-party funding applications. Funding agencies tie the granting of external funding to a binding and sustainable planning of research data management, which covers organizational, technical, legal and, if necessary, ethical aspects.

In its Guidelines for Ensuring Good Scientific Practice (Code) , the DFG has specified to HEIs and researchers the obligations that it considers to be part of “good scientific practice ”, first formulated in 1998.

Analogous conditions are formulated by the European Commission in the Horizon funding program and the BMBF in its various programs.

The instrument used to describe them is a data management plan. The necessary evidence in the form of such a plan must be submitted at the beginning or shortly after the beginning together with project proposals. RDMG assists in the formulation of application texts as well as in the drafting of data management plans.

Consultations are a two-way communication They provide indications of where needs lie and offers are to be further developed.