„Management der RDMG“

German version

It is involved in research projects via the initiation of the RDMG from the central institutions of UB, RZ and FRS.

Integration into research

The institutional FDM is thus close to scientific processes, from the planning of applications to the development of workflows, the training of scientists and the transfer of data to archive and publication platforms.

Research infrastructures

Data-driven research places high demands on infrastructures. Through UB, RZ and FRS, RDMG is connected to relevant commissions and committees where they are planned and made available to members of the university. These include the Research Information System, the Research Infrastructure Commission (FISK) , regular coordination takes place with the University Archives.

In regular jourfixes, coordination takes place with the Prorectorate for Research and Innovation. Furthermore, the RDMG coordinates with the University’s Clusters of Excellence and the research areas involved in the NFDI.


There are various legal issues to be decided when processing.

In the case that personal data are processed in research, data protection must be ensured. For this purpose, technical and organizational measures have to be proven, which have to be documented when setting up consent forms and procedure directories. RDMG provides support in the preliminary work on DSGVO-compliant data processing and regularly cooperates with the university’s legal department and data protection officer.

Another legal field is a license management that follows the principles of Open-Access , which the University of Freiburg has proclaimed as a goal since 2011. About overview of licenses and decision criteria for selection gives the paper Open Licenses for Research Data , in which members of the RDMG are involved as author:in.