Objectives of services

German version

Institutional research data management as defined in the Policy for Handling Research Data includes a range of offerings that provide researchers with an expectable level of quality. The answer to this goes back to a guideline<!-add reference–> that describes the information security management of the IT resources from which the cloud services for research data management are delivered.

Information security of the base infrastructure certified.

The objectives according to this guideline are confidentiality, and importantly for research, data integrity, and availability. In the management system addressed, resilience, high redundancy, and accessibility of data are targeted according to an operational concept that is certified for suitability according to the ISO/IEC 27001:2017 standard.


Through systematic planning in accordance with this standard, central IT resources are designed for redundancy and rapid start-up after disruptions. Server rooms are operated at two locations to technically implement these requirements, and additional locations are being planned. A high-performance network connects all locations with each other, and the university is connected to the outside world via two redundant lines with a throughput of 100 GB/s.

Part of the ISMS is an integration of cloud resources into the university’s overall strategic planning, and regular reports are made to the university’s CIO.


FreiDok plus and FreiData are designed for interoperability. FreiDok plus communicates with external systems via OAI-PMH. FreiData exports data in BibTex, DublinCore, CSL, as JSON object and various other schemas. More detailed instructions on JSON export are provided in a publicly available documentation .

The web portals request the bibliographically required data via forms to ensure compliance.

Deposited datasets can be searched for and downloaded via a web frontend, provided they have been enabled by the data providers. Pre-structured queries with explanatory texts and further links can be used to issue licenses that can be evaluated in machine-readable form.