Operation models and financing

German version


As a relatively young field, research data management (FDM) is being integrated into the overall organization of the university. With the transition from a virtual organization involving the “Freiburg Research Services” (FRS) , the University Library (UB) and the Computing Center to a business unit in the Prorectorate for Research and Innovation , FDM becomes part of university governance. Through the central institutions that launched the RDMG, planning for basic infrastructures such as identification systems, storage , publication services , and generic repositories.


Designing partial position pools for IT administration and data stewardship is intended to add flexibility in personnel management. Pay-as-you-go funding opens these pools to professorships or smaller research projects that have a need for such personnel but cannot create positions, temporary or permanent. Pools make it possible to organize further training and the exchange of experience in a more targeted manner. Another effect is to reduce the workload of employees who take on tasks that are not part of their actual job profile.

Investments in technology

FDM requires planned investments in basic infrastructures aand services that do not necessarily have to be fully operated by the university itself. Division of labor at all levels - within the university, in the state, nationally, or at the European level - opens up new possibilities, but must be organized. The National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI e.V.) , in which the University of Freiburg is broadly involved, plays a special role.

An example from the university is the list of large-scale equipment on the intranet, accessible to members with Uniaccount . It should be consulted before procurement projects are implemented.

Eligibility for funding

Third-party funding accounts for a large percentage of the university’s total budget. The bwSFS storage system is an example of basic infrastructure that gives grants to research projects more financial flexibility to procure hardware needed for specific projects. Such hardware is mostly storage, which places high demands on machine rooms and their administration, and the conditions in the data center provide higher quality of service than smaller decentralized installations. The eligibility of such divisions of labor is confirmed by the DFG .

A price list of the data center serves as a planning aid for applications in which the required project-specific material resources must be quantified.