
German version

Unless researchers have already published data on repositories of subject services or are planning a secondary publication, the UB with FreiDok plus and the RZ with FreiDATA offer platforms for publication.

FreiDok plus and FreiDATA

FreiDok plus is the publication platform whose database serves for publication activities of the university. From it, data is transferred to the Core Data Set Research . In principle, FreiDok plus can be used for research data, but the size of datasets is limited.

FreiData it designed for publication of data. It uses the storage system bwSFS. Via APIs, FreiData can be integrated into automated workflows. Communities in FreiData can use their own internal review processes. If it is necessary to withhold datasets from public access for a period of time, embargo periods can be set. FreiData’s architecture is designed to leave accountability for the data with the contributors.

Maintaining long-term data integrity

bwSFS uses object stores with built-in mechanisms to correct storage errors that occur over time. As described in the working paper Long-term Archiving of Data from Research Projects , it is also recommended that tools be used to verify the integrity of research data. The RDMG will be happy to advise on this. Risk considerations when planning data strategies are recommended. By linking the RDMG to the information security management system of the data center, where risk considerations are used for decision making, users benefit from the systematic approach.