RDMG newsletter #001


This issue #001 marks the launch of the RDMG newsletter. It will be published every two months at the end of an odd-numbered month and will provide information about research data management at the University of Freiburg. The focus will be on activities at the university. Editorial responsibility lies with the Research Data Management Group.

In addition to the other communication channels, the newsletter will report on developments, best practices and plans relating to Freiburg in condensed form using the push method. Alongside social media, newsletters remain one of the most reliable information channels. They deliver the information to where people check their inboxes every day.

Subscribing to this newsletter is easy: just send a blank e-mail to rdmg-on@mail.uni-freiburg.de . You can unsubscribe at any time.

With best regards

Jan Leendertse

From the RDMG

Reference to the forum

A discussion forum has been set up on the continuing education platform, which is accessible to all members of the university. It can be accessed via the shortlink https://rz.uni-freiburg.de/go/rdmg .

Anyone interested in research data management at the university can participate in this forum. Questions can be asked that are of public interest or where an answer can come from others at the university who have already been involved in a similar way.

The thread Newsfeed internal contains a ticker which is used to announce current events. The ILIAS platform sends continuous notifications or summaries, depending on your own settings.

The RDMG](https://freiburg.social/@rdmg ) is also represented on Mastodon .

Meeting with RDM representatives

On 27 June 2023, the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Stefan Rensing, invited the RDM representatives from the faculties and research areas to the lecture hall of the University Library. The faculties were asked via a circular letter to nominate a contact person who can be contacted in the faculty for affairs regarding research data management.

Small lecture at the 2023 annual conference of the Science Management Network

The mini-training at the Science Management Conference entitled Organising sustainable research data management in working groups drew attention to the fact that institutional RDM should also be seen as a contribution to sustainability. It results from comprehensive infrastructure planning (GreenIT, cloud computing with certified protection level), consistent data strategy for uninterrupted reuse and improved data economy.

The presentation slides can be found at FreiData .

Research data management in practice

Meeting of the deans: Best practices show advantages of institutional research data management

On 23 October 2023 in the Hilde-Mangold-Haus, Stefan Rensing as vice rector invited the deans and RDM officers from the faculties. The reason for the meeting was the request from the deans' round table to use current best practices to visualise what research data management looks like.

Three examples were presented, an outlook on FreiData (see following section) was given, and the NDFI plus Freiburg participations were introduced.

FreiData launched

The FreiData publication platform is public and can be used for the publication of data packages. The release was announced at the aforementioned meeting for the deans on 27 October 2023.

Tutorials published

The RDMG website now offers tutorials describing typical steps of research data management with services of the University of Freiburg or external services. Rather than being descriptions of software, they are intended as a starting point for the development of processes that fit your own methods.

A tutorial provides a basic description of how to upload data to FreiData. It shows which preparations have to be made in order to create the prerequisites for citable data records.

A second tutorial explains how publication lists for groups can be created via Communities in FreiData .

Save the date

This section will be used in future newsletters to announce events that are of interest to members of the University of Freiburg.

The next newsletter is planned for the end of January 2024.