RDMG-Newsletter #002



the general security situation also suggests that researchers reconsider some old habits. Email addresses are used to organize access. They serve as anchors in publications to make contributors visible and enable quick contact. There are alternative and future-proof methods for achieving this.

Best regards,

Jan Leendertse

From the RDMG

Open Science Policy Adopted

The Senate unanimously adopted an Open Science Policy on January 31, 2024. With this, the University of Freiburg joins the still relatively small circle of universities committed to Open Science. The RDMG was involved in the draft resolution. The policy underscores the University of Freiburg’s ambition not only to demonstrate research strength through results but also through the process leading to these results.

The Policy on Handling Research Data remains in effect as it also concerns data that is not openly disclosed. It is now directly accessible online for links. The resolution on Open Access, however, is encompassed within the more comprehensive Open Science Policy. A more detailed content evaluation will follow once the policy is published.

Research Data Management in Practice

When to Use FreiDok plus, When FreiData

A post breaks down when to use FreiDok plus and when to use FreiData. FreiDok plus is the institutional repository of the University of Freiburg and therefore the first point of contact.


The ORCID-ID is used for automated data exchange with the Research Information System (FIS). With an ORCID-ID, data sets in ORCID, FreiDok plus, and the FIS can be automatically synchronized. This synchronization also works after changes in names, email addresses, and organizational affiliations.


A meeting for FDM (Research Data Management) representatives is planned for the second quarter, to which researchers who are involved in NFDI (National Research Data Infrastructure) consortia as members of the University of Freiburg should also be invited. The date is not yet set but will be in April or May. Those interested in this meeting can also contact rdm@mail.uni-freiburg.de .

The next newsletter is planned at the end of March, 2024.