Data upload in FreiData

The main task of FreiData is to publish data packages with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). This tutorial describes the uploading of data packages with essential metadata.


FreiData is accessible via a web interface. To upload, you should switch to the general overview by clicking on the link in the menu above.

Overview page to start uploading

Preparations / Requirements

Before uploading a data package, it should be checked regarding citability and possible re-use. Basic considerations are presented in the paper Langzeitarchivierung von Daten und Online-Präsenzen aus Forschungsprojekten .

Uploaded packages should be able to stand on their own so that they can later be downloaded from FreiData for citation, re-use or replication of research.

Basic metadata

Even if datasets are cited in publications, they should be self-explanatory and usable. This requires basic metadata and contextual information. The preparatory work for this is part of good scientific practice.

  • An ORCID should be stored in FreiData to clearly identify the originator, author or other contributor. This is a one-time step.
  • A data package should be curated, analogous to how papers or similar forms of publication require a minimum of editing. This is one step per data package, required by good scientific practice.
  • It should be clear before uploading which licence is being used to publish on FreiData. The licence is a mandatory specification in FreiData. Further information on licences and the selection criteria can be found in the paper „Offene Lizenzen für Forschungsdaten“ .
  • A short description of the dataset should be prepared, which also describes the context of the dataset in such a way that further analysis of the research data is possible for others.


With a click on ‘New entry’ the form for the actual upload appears.

Input mask for data to be uploaded


Descriptive metadata is required for the publication of data packages. Additional data may be added to further describe the context of a data package.

Mandatory data are marked in the input mask:

  • Title
  • Indication of the type of publication
  • Date of publication
  • Creator(s) with indication of the role. Possible roles are given in a drop-down list. It is possible to specify institutions that have contributed to the creation of the publication.
  • Selection of a licence. The pre-selection is Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, it can be changed.

Finalisation of data packages before uploading

Uploaded and published data packages can no longer be modified. They can only be deleted or another version can be added. Deletion should only be carried out in exceptional cases and can only be carried out by the computer centre. It must be justified.

Before publication, a data package should therefore be checked to see whether it is suitable for publication.

DOI - enter existing DOI or apply for new one

It is possible to enter an existing DOI when uploading data packages. The main purpose of FreiData is to register a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for data packages. As long as this service remains within the scope of fair use, as stated in the terms of use, DOI registration is free of charge for members of the university.