Publication of research data

Publication of research data for replication of results or subsequent use in further research projects is an essential part of the life cycle, following the claim of Open Data.

The University of Freiburg offers various services for the publication of research data.

FreiDok plus

FreiDok plus is a service of the University Library. It is the university’s institutional repository for publications and for associated research data. Every publication deposited in FreiDok plus automatically receives a “Digital Object Identifier” (DOI ).


FreiData is a platform for publishing research data. It uses the software framework on which Zenodo is based and is made available as open source. With storage via FreiData, research data is located on bwSFS (Science For Storage), a cluster operated by the computing centre and thus under the sovereignty of the university. It is operated according to industry standards.

Gitlab on bwSFS

A Gitlab instance is offered on bwSFS. It is thus also under the sovereignty of the university and enables data protection-compliant use for most use cases.

Gitlab is a web solution based on Git that can be used to version and distribute software and, in some cases, texts. Data on Gitlab can be referenced in the long term. The system is thus suitable for making data available for long-term traceability and subsequent use.

External repositories

Depending on subject or community-specific requirements, repositories from external providers that specialise in the specific requirements of subjects are the first choice. The RDMG keeps track of the most common offerings and provides entry guides.

The RDMG pursues the goal of interoperability between the offerings of the University of Freiburg and external service providers in order to keep subsequent use open in all directions.