Communitys in FreiData for self-organisation

Groups can be set up in FreiData. They are offered as communities that can be set up by any member of the university itself. Each community is given its own path. The address of a publication list of the community comprises of the FreiData URL and the community short name. The RDMG, for example, publishes its data under the host name .

Configuration of the RDMG Community

What is the purpose of creating a community?

A community can be used to combine the publications of several people, a professorship or a project. Publication lists can be exported in various formats including BibTex.

Roles can be assigned within a community. They can be used to map processes, for example for reviewing uploads before they are published or receive a DOI.

Setting up a community

When setting up a community, a detailed name can be assigned and an identifier from which the path for the community page is formed.

Setting up the community for RDMG

A community can make its publications accessible only to those who belong to it.

Use of roles

Within a community, the following four roles with increasing permissions can be assigned:

  • Reader
  • Curator
  • Manager
  • Owner

The person who creates a community is preset as the owner. This right can be passed on to other persons. This role must be assigned at least once per community.

The role of reader is for closed communities whose entries are not accessible to the public, but to which individual persons should at least have access. This role is intended for such communities.

At least those who upload data to FreiData should be created as curators. In this role, they are shown the form with which data can be uploaded.

Managers can then decide on publication. <!–TODO: This should be checked again.

Owners also have the right to change role assignments.